

Before a typhoon comes
Tune in to news on TV or radio and be fully aware of the typhoon’s course and expected arrival.
Check your home’s gutters, drainage, or waterways around the house and clear any clogs.
Those who reside in a flood-prone or landslide-prone region should be aware of evacuation plans, available shelters and emergency contact information.
Move vehicles parked near rivers or streams to a safe place.
Prepare basic necessities including emergency medicines, a flashlight, drinking water, and food.
Firmly secure objects that could be carried off by wind, e.g., roofs, signage, windows, and doors, or items like old furniture, playground equipment, and bicycles inside or outside the yard.
What is a typhoon?
A type of tropical cyclone that develops in the southwestern waters of the North Pacific Ocean, a typhoon is a weather phenomenon accompanied by rainstorms with a maximum wind velocity around its center exceeding 17m/s.
Check conditon of aging roofs veforehand. / Check condition of aging embankments, fences, and walls in advance. / A way to contact neighbors? / Identify evacuantion routes, shelters, and heliports, and secure some means of communication. / Prepare contingency plans.
Stay away from construction sites during typhoons.
Avoid going near or touching utility poles, street lights, or traffic signal lights.
Due to risk of electrical shock, do not carry out electrical repairs inside or outside the home.
Reduce speed when driving.
When lightning is present, take shelter inside a building or somewhere low.
If a transmission tower falls, immediately contact 119, the city/county/district office, or KEPCO.
If you live in a high-rise building such as an apartment tower block, cover the windows with some protection like wet newspaper or tape to prevent breakage, and stay away from the windows.
Children and the infirm or elderly should refrain from going outside.
Refrain from walking or driving on flooded roads.
When evacuating, shut off the water and gas valves and turn off electricity at the circuit breaker.
When there is a typhoon advisory
In urban areas
  • Avoid going near or touching utility poles, street lights, or traffic signal lights.
  • Avoid construction sites.
  • Refrain from touching or staying near a telegraph pole, streetlight, traffic light etc.
  • Due to risk of electrical shock, do not carry out electrical repairs inside or outside the home.
  • Reduce speed when driving.
  • When lightning is present, take shelter inside a building or somewhere low.
  • Firmly secure objects that could be carried off by wind, e.g., signboards or windows.
  • If a transmission tower falls, immediately contact 119, the city/county/district office, or KEPCO.
  • Fasten all the windows and doors of the house
  • Children and the infirm or elderly should refrain from going outside.
  • When evacuating, shut off the water and gas valves and turn off electricity at the circuit breaker.
  • Check the weather forecast and typhoon reports on the radio, TV, and Internet
In rural areas
  • Residents and others in low-lying or flood-prone areas should be prepared to evacuate.
  • Avoid construction sites.
  • Avoid going near or touching utility poles, street lights, or traffic signal lights.
  • Due to risk of electrical shock, do not carry out electrical repairs inside or outside the home.
  • Reduce speed when driving.
  • When lightning is present, take shelter inside a building or somewhere low.
  • Firmly secure objects that could be carried off by wind, e.g., signboards or windows.
  • If a transmission tower falls, immediately contact 119, the city/county/district office, or KEPCO.
  • Fasten all the windows and doors of the house.
  • Children and the infirm or elderly should refrain from going outside.
  • Check irrigation or drainage channels around homes and agricultural land.
  • Campers and hikers in mountains and ravines should evacuate to a safe area.
  • Check agricultural facilities, including plastic greenhouses.
Perform maintenance on drainage chanels. Reinfore structural supports. / DANGER DO NOT ENTER! / Rapid drainage / Frop dusting.
In coastal areas
  • Residents and others in low-lying or flood-prone areas should be prepared to evacuate.
  • Do not leave vehicles in underground parking areas where flooding may occur, and if you are below ground level, evacuate to a safe area.
  • Due to risk of electrical shock, do not carry out electrical repairs inside or outside the home.
  • Reduce speed when driving.
  • When lightning is present, take shelter inside a building or somewhere low
  • Firmly secure objects that could be carried off by wind, e.g., signboards or windows.
  • If a transmission tower falls, immediately contact 119, the city/county/district office, or KEPCO.
  • Fasten all the windows and doors.
  • Children and the infirm or elderly should refrain from going outside.
  • Residents and others on the shore or low-lying areas should be prepared to evacuate.
  • Stop all fishing activities and moor boats securely.
  • Take down or secure fishing facilities.
  • Do not use the beaches.
Attach a sufficient number of rubber tires as fenders. / Remove fishing nets and implements in advance.
When there is a typhoon warning
In urban areas
  • Do not leave vehicles in underground parking areas where flooding may occur, and if you live in an aging building where there is risk of collapse or if you are below ground level, evacuate to a safe area.
  • Do not approach or walk anywhere near building signs and other hazardous facilities.
  • If you live in a high-rise building such as an apartment tower block, cover the windows with some protection like wet newspaper or tape to prevent breakage, and stay away from the windows.
  • Due to risk of electrical shock, do not carry out electrical repairs inside or outside the home.
  • Use sandbags or similar objects to block floodwater from flowing in.
  • If there are objects around the house that could be blown away, remove them in advance.
  • Vehicles on the road should reduce their speed.
  • Do not go onto the roof of high-rise buildings such as apartment tower blocks, and do not enter basements or sewer manholes.
  • Have a flashlight ready in the event of a power outage, and discuss emergency contact methods and evacuation plans with family members in advance.
In rural areas
  • If there is risk of a landslide around your home, evacuate in advance.
  • Use sandbags or similar objects to prevent streams and rivers from overflowing and to protect farmland from flooding.
  • If there are hazardous objects around the house, remove them in advance.
  • Inspect the ridges and banks in and around rice fields and adjust the sluice gate.
  • Before using a bridge, verify that it is safe.
  • Do not go near slopes that are susceptible to landslides.
  • Confirm beforehand how to contact neighbors & family and what the proper evacuation procedures are.
  • Move farm machines or livestock to a safe place.
  • Firmly secure plastic greenhouses, ginseng cultivation facilities, etc.
When there are indications of a landslide The risk of landslides is higher than ever during the rainy season. - Therefore, at the first sign of a landslide, please evacuate to a safe place.
When a substantial amount of water surges out from a slope: - This indicates that supersaturated groundwater exists in the soil, increasing the danger of a landslide.
When normally abundant spring water or underground water stops suddenly: - This indicates that the soil and groundwater levels in the upper part of the mountain are abnormal, translating to a high risk.
Part of the mountainside suddenly cracks or comes down: - This is a sign that a landslide has started, so it is imperative that everyone in the vicinity evacuate immediately.
When trees shake or fall even though there is no wind, or when rumbling sounds are heard: - This indicates that a landslide has already started. Evacuate immediately and report it to the appropriate authority.
Don't be too cocky!
In coastal areas
  • Do not go near hazardous slopes along the shore.
  • If there are hazardous objects around the house, remove them in advance.
  • Residents in low-lying areas along the shoreline should evacuate to a safe place.
  • Before using a bridge, verify that it is safe.
  • Moor boats securely and move fishing nets and other implements to a safe place.
  • Confirm contact methods and evacuation plans with family members in advance.
Remove muck and muddy water and geed medicinal compounds to the fish
After a typhoon has passed
Report any damage to water supply, sewerage facilities, embankments, or roads by contacting the appropriate agency, whether it is city/county/district or town, township, or neighborhood level.
When emergency drinking water runs out, boil water from the tap.
Since a flooded house may be full of gas, it must be properly ventilated before entering. Do not touch electrical, gas, or water supply facilities, and contact the relevant utility company before resuming use.
Take photos when performing maintenance and repairs on private facilities.
Don’t go onto any embankments since they may have been damaged. Also be aware that fallen cables could be a source of electrical shocks.