At Threat of Terror


On the scene where an explosive device is discovered
When a suspected explosive device is found, do not touch it. Notify the police, and then evacuate.
Since electromagnetic waves may trigger the explosive device, using a cellular phone or radio to call in the report is not advisable.
As soon as you hear a blast, immediately hit the floor and scope out the situation.
Gunshot terror
When random shots are being fired, the best thing to do is hit the ground and scope out the situation. If you suddenly stand up and run toward a safe place, you may become a target. If you absolutely have to move, stay as low as possible.
When there are gunshots, stay low so as not to interfere with the guard or operational personnel’s field of vision.
When the situation ends, call the police and an ambulance to rescue injured persons.
Hijackings, kidnappings, & hostage situations
If you are being detained as a hostage, do not resist; obey orders and avoid any sudden movements.
Unless the success of any escape attempt is 100% certain, it is not advisable to attempt to escape.
If you are among several abductees or hostages, behave so as not to attract attention. Do not convey a threatening impression to the hijackers/kidnappers, and avoid eye contact with them.
When hijackers ask you something, keep your response as short as possible in a non-threatening tone. Do not show anger.
When hijackers give orders, be polite and compliant; refrain from words or actions that might provoke them, and be willing to comply with requests to make voice recordings.
All means for rescue are being mobilized from the outside, so do not lose self-control or become desperate; try to identify any advantageous conditions such as escape routes. ※ If you are blindfolded, memorize details about the surroundings of your location, such as sounds, smells, slopes, distance, the perpetrators’ voices, etc.
Maintain your health by continuing to exercise, eat all the food you are given, and ask for medications if you become sick.
It is advisable to talk with kidnappers, and endeavor to maintain amicable relations with them.
Even when the time of rescue or release is imminent, do not lose self-control, and do not show any sudden changes in attitude.
Upon deployment of a rescue mission, hit the ground immediately.
When an object suspected of biological terror is found
Leave the materials as they are, and report it to the authorities concerned.
Escape from the site immediately while covering your nose and mouth with a folded handkerchief or tissue and taking a deep breath.
After evacuating, immediately take a shower with soapy water to prevent contaminants from adhering to the body.
Discard all the clothes and shoes worn at the scene after disinfecting them.
There can be many symptoms of biological terror, including high fever, nausea, stomachache, diarrhea, runny nose, sore throat, skin rashes or dermatitis, redness of eyes, lethargy, etc. However, these may not appear for several days, so it is very important to respond to these symptoms at the early stage.
Treatments for bioterrorism materials have already been developed, and such symptoms may be curable as long as they are treated in the early stages, so stay calm.
When there is any indication of a biological terror attack, check the relevant information on the radio, TV or the Internet homepage of the health authorities.
When a biological terror alert is issued in a neighboring area, maintain sanitation and cleanliness to prevent disease from spreading, and follow the instructions of the public health authorities.
Chemical terrorism
Put on a gas mask or cover the mouth and nose with something like a towel; cover the skin with clothing to prevent exposure.
Outside of a building, move in the direction of the wind. However, in general, it is advisable to evacuate to higher ground.
If there is a contaminated area in the direction of the wind, move instead in a direction perpendicular (left, right) to the windward direction.
If the contamination occurs within an enclosed area such as in a building or subway, move out of the enclosed area immediately.
If passing the scene of a chemical accident or attack in a car, close the windows and turn off the air conditioner or heater.
When you have escaped from the contaminated area, breathe in clear air, take a shower, and change your clothes.
Put all contaminated clothes in a plastic bag before throwing them away.
Do not take drinking water or food stuff from a contaminated area, and do not touch a contaminated object with your bare hands.
If abnormal physical conditions occur, such as vomiting or skin changes, consult a specialist.
Radiological terrorism
Follow the instructions issued by the government on radio, TV, etc.
When there is a warning of a radioactive leak, put on a gas mask or cover the nose and mouth with something like a handkerchief or tissue, and move to an uncontaminated building.
If you are indoors, make sure that the building is not contaminated by radioactivity; if it is not contaminated, stay inside the building.
When you are in a building or a shelter, close all windows and turn off the air conditioner, heater, and fan.
Refrain from entering contaminated areas or areas susceptible to contamination. Be careful not to inhale or have direct contact with radioactive dust.
If you receive evacuation orders, do not bring any food; it is prohibited to bring pets.
If you believe you have been exposed to radioactivity, remove all contaminated clothing immediately and wash your entire body thoroughly.
Place farm animals in an enclosed place if possible, and store their feed in an airtight place covered with some protection, such as plastic.
Tips for responding to postal terrorism
How to identify suspicious mail
  • Envelope has restrictive markings or special handling instructions, such as “Confidential” or “To be opened by addressee only”
  • Excessive postage
  • Sent from a foreign country or by air mail or special delivery
  • Excessive tape, strings, or wrapping
  • Address written in illegible handwriting
  • Package or letter has no return address
  • Return address and postmark are from different places
  • Address contains a title but no name
  • Only the company name is mentioned, and the position and title are not correct
  • Delivered directly or dropped off by a stranger
  • Exceptionally rigid section inside the packaging
  • The surrounding area is crushed or the surface is lumpy
  • Lopsided or uneven envelopes or packages
How to identify postal terrorism by type
  • 【IED (Improvised Explosive Device, or mail bomb)】
  • Contains content like batteries, wires, etc.
  • Protruding wires or strings
  • Packaging is marked with foreign matter like oily stains or blotches
  • Weight is heavy relative to size of envelope or package
  • 【Substances for chemical terrorism】
  • Distinctive odors like almonds, peaches, dry grass, etc.
  • Stains or burn marks on the packaging
  • Eyes watering or skin feeling prickly during handling
  • Presence of containers for holding toxic chemicals, such as a glass vials
  • 【Substances for biological terror】
  • Envelopes that are soft and powdery to the touch
  • Traces of white powder found on the packaging
  • Double packed with plastic to prevent powder from leaking
  • 【Materials for radiological terror】
  • Mail contains unidentified metallic material
  • Package is warm to the touch compared to the surrounding air
Tips for responding to postal terrorism
  • 【When suspicious mail is first discovered】
  • Do not smell it or touch it with bare hands.
  • Carefully put down the mail.
  • Do not shake it or throw it away.
  • Keep combustible substances such as lighters away from the mail.
  • Do not pull or cut any thin rope or cable exposed outside the package.
  • Do not use any device that generates electromagnetic waves, such as mobile phones.
  • If you suspect it may contain chemical or biological materials, e.g., some kind of white powder, place it in a plastic bag to prevent leakage.
  • Exit the mailroom.
  • Report it to the nearest police or fire department.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soapy water.
  • 【After opening mail】
  • Mail bombs containing IEDs
    If it is opened, immediately leave the place.
    Report it to the police or fire department.
  • Mail containing guns or knives
    Do not touch and leave it in its original position.
    Report to a nearby police station or a fire station.
  • Mail containing CBR (Chemical/Biological/Radiological) materials
    Do not touch it. Cover the nose and mouth with a towel.
    Close all windows and doors and immediately leave the place where the mail was opened.
    If any of the material got on you, quickly remove your clothes, wash your body with running water, but do not rub or scrape the skin.
    Avoid contact with others to prevent contamination.
    Report it to the police or fire department, or an agency specializing in CBR.